India: +91-11-4670 0000
USA: +1 646-862-1010 (24 Hrs.)
UK: +44 20 4542 2836
Sin: +65 3105 1695

Gold Plan

Travel Guard Premium (in RS.) (including 12.24% service tax)

  Excluding the Americas/ Canada Including the Americas/ Canada
Age 6 mths - 40 yrs. 41 - 60 yrs. 61 - 70 yrs. 6 mths - 40 yrs. 41 - 60 yrs. 61 - 70 yrs.
Days of travel
700 780 1280 980 1125 1765
8-14 900 1045 1820 1280 1585 2545
15-21 1070 1285 2390 1465 1800 3415
22-28 1250 1545 2905 1730 2180 4080
29-35 1490 1780 3630 2055 2635 5200
36-47 1735 2215 4520 2580 3365 6710
48-60 2080 2560 5540 3390 4770 8330
61-75 4650 3345 6975 4725 6960 10695
76-90 3110 4315 8370 5670 7005 13350
91-120 4575 5905 12195 7010 8750 19950
121-150 5605 7750 17130 9670 12275 29130
151-180 6965 9050 20350 11830 14635 34040

Annual Worldwide** (including 12.24% service tax)


Single Trip

Gold (US $250,000)

Platinum (US $500,000)
Age 19-40 yrs 41-60 yrs 61-70 yrs 19-40 yrs 41-60 yrs 61-70 yrs
30 days 3665 4655 9050 4310 5265 10435
45 days 4430 4860 14660 4985 5360 17105

**Any Single Trip not exceed 30/45 days.

Departure City
Arrival City
Mobile/ (Area-Code)Phone
Travel Date Between
Number of Travellers Adults (above 12)
Child (5-12)
Enter Code